PFAS analysis of blood from animals
Exposure and sources of PFAS continue to be an issue of interest. This applies not least to food including meat products. Elevated PFAS levels in animals are the result of ingestion of contaminated water and feed. PFAS accumulates in the animals and the levels will depend on the animal species and age. The half-life, i.e. the excretion rate of PFAS also differs between different animals and PFAS substances (Fødevarestyrelsen, 2023). A notable case is Korsør in Denmark, where several people in a natural grazing association were exposed to meat with high PFOS concentrations (Fødevarestyrelsen, 2023; Slagelse municipality, 2023).
An assessment method for exposure to PFAS/PFOS in animals is the level in blood serum. The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration (DVFA; Fødevarestyrelsen) has derived indicator values for PFOS for cattle (3.3 µg/kg) and sheep (6.7 µg/kg). If the content is below these, the risk of exceeding the maximum value for PFOS in meat in EU Regulation (EU) 2023/915 is assumed to be low. The Swedish Food Agency (SLV) has also adopted these indicator values and refers to them in its wiki (SLV, 2023).
Eurofins has now developed a sampling kit for both live animals and after slaughter. The kit consists of two vacuum tubes (live animals) and two 50 ml plastic tubes (after slaughter) together with a sampling instruction. Sampling of live animals should be carried out by a veterinarian. Analysis with this kit refers to blood serum which forms the basis for assessment vs the indicator values. In the event that analysis is wanted on whole blood, contact us in advance as other test tubes are needed.
Kits can be ordered on our sample packaging page. Follow the link below and select "Food" or "Environment & Water" depending on customer affiliation (Eurofins Food & Feed or Environment). Also keep in mind that samples should be stored and transported refrigerated, e.g. with cooling lamps in a cooler bag/box, and if necessary, this can also be ordered. On the website there are also order forms to download if our online system EOL is not used. Information about our drop-off points and other transport solutions (eg Same Day) is also available.
The package that is primarily recommended is PFAS4 (incl. PFOS) with code PLW8F (Food & Feed) or PLWQH (Environment). Other larger packages for food/biota can also be used if an extended analysis is requested, see our other food/biota packs.
Packaging material for samples of PFAS in blood from animals can be ordered here.