Eurofins (then Analycen) in Lidköping (SE) started analyzing PFAS already at the beginning of the 2000s. After a break, the analysis was set up again in 2015 and since 2016 a large leading PFAS lab has been established. The department is now one of the globally leading PFAS labs. We collaborate with universities and participate in networks to always be updated with the latest findings within PFAS research, methods and legislation.
TOP (total oxidizable precursors) is a method that can be used to “reveal” PFAS precursors. Precursors are PFAS compounds, known or unknown, that may degrade into, typically, perfluorinated sulphonates (PFSA) and carboxylic acids (PFCA) as final products. When applying TOP, precursors are chemically oxidized into PFCAs. The concentrations and pattern of PFCAs formed will give both quantitative and qualitative information of what precursors that were present in the sample. Eurofins has offered the method since 2017. We are now extending some of our packs for water and soil/sediment to include all 20 PFAS that are part of the EU drinking water directive (DWD; (EU) 2020/2184) as well as the Swedish (6:2 FTS) and Danish (6:2 FTS + PFOSA) additions. The extended TOP packages will then match the regular “non-oxidized” PFAS28 and 35 packages (see table). The additions will not imply any changes to price, delivery time (TAT), sample amount etc.
Matrix | PFAS range | TOP code | Additions TOP | Regular PFAS code |
Water | PFAS28 | PLWHM | PFPeS, PFNS, PFDoS, PFTrDS, PFUnDS, PFTrDA | PLWFK (clean) PLW9M (unclean) |
PFAS35 | PLWLU | PFPeS, PFNS, PFDoS, PFTrDS, PFUnDS | PLWAF (clean) PLWXZ (unclean) |
Soil/sediment | PFAS28 | PLWNM | PFPeS, PFNS, PFDoS, PFTrDS, PFUnDS PFTrDA | PLW6Q (soil) PLWBC (sediment) |
PFAS35 | PLWRI | PFPeS, PFNS, PFDoS, PFTrDS, PFUnDS | PLWN0 (soil) PLWBE (sediment) |
Besides the additions to existing packages we will also introduce new “combo” packs containing both the regular (non-oxidized/pre-TOP) and the TOP (oxidized) compounds.
Matrix | PFAS range | New combo packages |
Water | PFAS28 | PLWBH (clean) PLWBK (unclean) |
PFAS35 | PLWBJ (clean) PLWBL (unclean) |
Soil/sediment | PFAS28 | PLWBM (soil) PLWBP (sediment) |
PFAS35 | PLWBN (soil) PLWBQ (sediment) |
More information on precursors and TOP can be found in our “short facts” paper that can be found at our publications page (link below). Further information on the updated and new packages can be found in our online catalogue.
Questions about PFAS can be answered by our analytical advisory service, which can be reached via the customer support, 010-490 8110 or e-mail:
The new Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive ((EU) 2024/3019) came into force 1 Jan 2025 and replaced the old directive from 1991. According to the commission the directive has the specific aims to improve water quality (incl new pollutants), strengthen the polluter-pays principle (producer responsibility), advance circularity of water, address climate change (GHG emission, urban adaptation) and ensure access to sanitation. The directive should be implemented in national regulation at the latest 31 July 2027, and the requirements of the directive have then to be met in different steps until 2045.
Regarding chemical pollutants (or micropollutants) much focus has been on the necessity of quaternary treatment for the removal of pharmaceuticals but also PFAS are frequently mentioned. This includes statements and requirements such as:
“Sum of PFAS” and “PFAS total” both refer to parameters in DWD. “Sum of PFAS” consists of the sum of 20 different PFAS, two series of PFCA (e.g. PFOA) and PFSA (e.g. PFOS) in the range C4-C13. In Sweden 6:2 FTS has been added, making 21 substances. In the commission notice (C/2024/5414) supporting DWD, “PFAS total” can correspond to different “total” methods of which Eurofins can analyze TOP (total oxidizable precursors).
Eurofins can offer a wide range of PFAS analyses in wastewater with packs up to 53 substances incl PFAS21 (code PLWLY). For more information see our online catalogue or contact us.
Questions about PFAS can be answered by our analytical advisory service, which can be reached via the customer support, 010-490 8110 or e-mail:
EU commission info
Swedish Water (in Swedish)
Commission notice C/2024/5414
Online catalog
TFA has received a lot of interest over the last year. Numerous reports have shown the presence of this compound in nearly all waters studied, applying to ground, surface and drinking water. Concentrations of TFA are mostly much higher than for other PFAS, typically ranging from around 100 up to a few 1000’s ng/l. During 2024 we have observed some of the more significant new studies including the two from PAN (Pesticide Action Network; see links) and from Sweden the report by the Swe. Soc. of Nature Conservation (SSNC) and the mapping of groundwaters by the Swe. Geol. Survey (SGU). Last month (Dec 24) a third PAN paper showed that TFA is present in mineral water as well with concentrations up to 3200 ng/l. In 2023 Eurofins produced a study on TFA in Swedish and Norwegian drinking waters. TFA in juice e.g. orange and apple has been highlighted in a Eurofins/Örebro University report showing a mean level of 34 000 ng/l when detected in orange juice. Moreover, TFA is a topic for intense research and some reviews summing up the current scientific state of knowledge have been published.
Eurofins has offered analysis of TFA and other ultrashort PFAS (≤3 carbons) in water for nearly two years. We have now accredited TFA and two other ultrashort compounds, perflouroethane and perfluoropropane sulphonic acids (PFEtS and PFPrS) in both clean (e.g. surface, ground and drinking water) and unclean (e.g. wastewater, leachate) waters. The accreditation does not affect reporting limits (LOQ), measurement uncertainty (MU), delivery time (TAT), sample volume etc. Two packs are offered PLW98 (5 compounds) and PLW9B (7 compounds).
Search our online catalogue or contact us for more information. Our flyer on ultrashort PFAS can be downloaded on our PFAS page. Regarding our own studies on ultrashort PFAS incl our white paper on juice, see our PFAS publication page.
Eurofins PFAS downloads
Eurofins PFAS publications
Eurofins search engine
PAN mineral water
Eurofins news (TFA accumulation)
Eurofins news (SSNC)
Eurofins news (TFA in juice)
Eurofins news (SGU groundwater)
6:2 FTAB (6:2 fluorotelomer sulfonamide alkylbetaine), also known as Capstone B, is a substance that is frequently used in modern firefighting foams (AFFF), but also in other applications. The interest in this compound is growing and next year (2025) it will be included in the UK DWI (Drinking Water Inspectorate) PFAS list, which is then extended from 47 to 48 PFAS. At the same time a PFAS48 sum will be introduced which should be used for assessment. Given these changes we will add 6:2 FTAB and a UK DWI PFAS48 sum to our current 49 and 52 packs for clean and unclean water. The compound has also been discussed in the context of the Swedish government assignment on PFAS remediation carried out by SGI (Swe Geotech. Inst.) where significant levels have been found at one of their field sites.
Package code |
Package name |
New Package name |
Additions |
PFAS 49 in water incl. GenX
PFAS 50 in water
6:2 FTAB (Capstone B) |
Sum of PFAS48 (UK DWI) |
PFAS52 in water incl WFD/GWD prel PFAS24
PFAS53 in water incl WFD/GWD prel PFAS24
6:2 FTAB (Capstone B) |
Sum of PFAS48 (UK DWI) |
PFAS 49 in waste water incl. GenX
PFAS 50 in waste water
6:2 FTAB (Capstone B) |
Sum of PFAS48 (UK DWI) |
PFAS52 in waste water incl WFD/GWD prel PFAS24
PFAS53 in waste water incl WFD/GWD prel PFAS24
6:2 FTAB (Capstone B) |
Sum of PFAS48 (UK DWI) |
The extension of the packs will not affect price, delivery time, sample volume etc but package names will be updated (see table). Eurofins can also offer determination of 6:2 FTAB in soil and DPOSA (Capstone A) in both soil and water.
For more information about PFAS and revised packages, see our online analysis catalogue
According to the water framework directive (WFD), national quality requirements for relevant pollutants in surface water in each member state must be established. These are in addition to the prioritized substances with EQS (environmental quality standards) limits. In Sweden these are referred to as “special pollutants” (SFÄ). The Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management (HAV) has now published a referral on an update of the classification limits PFAS SFÄ compounds in their regulation HVMFS 2019:25. Overall the proposal is motivated by new knowledge about the toxicity of PFAS, but it should also be noted that underlying regulation on drinking water has changed since 2019.
In the referral, two new SFÄ limit values for drinking water bodies are given, PFAS4 with a limit of 4 ng/l and PFAS21 with 100 ng/l. These follow the groups and values in the Swedish drinking water regulation (LIVSFS 2022:12) and replace the old PFAS11. The referral also includes a new proposed value for biota (fish muscle) of 0.077 µg/kg FW for PFAS4 in all waters. All limits are the same for inland surface water, coastal water and water in the transition zone. The value of 0.077 µg/kg coincides with the proposed revised WFD EQS value for biota, but in WFD it is based on PFAS24 with the unit PFOA equivalents.
The referral is open for responses and comments until 13 Dec 2024, and HAV states the intention that the revision should enter into force at the latest 3 March 2025.
Eurofins offers a wide range of PFAS packages for natural (clean) waters that can be used for assessment. The PFAS21 (incl PFAS4) pack has the code PLWFW, but PFAS4 and 21 are also contained in our bigger packages PFAS28 (PLWFK), PFAS35 (PLWAF), PFAS49 (PLW81) and PFAS52 (PLW9J). Moreover, the two sums are included in our PFAS24 + DWD package (PLW9D). Regarding biota, PFAS4 are covered by all our packs for the matrix (e.g. PLWQH, PLW7X, PLW7Z). See our search engine for more information.
HAV referral
Eurofins search engine
Questions about PFAS can be answered by our analytical advisory service, which can be reached via the customer support, 010-490 8110 or e-mail:
TFA is a compound that has received wide attention over the last few years. More or less all recent studies point to the fact that it is present on a global scale and found in all environmental (e.g. water, soil sediment, plants) and human matrices (e.g. blood). Moreover, there are numerous sources and concentrations are increasing rapidly, in relative terms. A new review article by Arp et al. in the journal EST (Env Sci & Tech, in press), highlights the irreversibility of this accumulation since TFA is not known to degrade to any large extent. The authors also argue that there is not enough (eco)toxicological data to tell, overall, at which level the threshold for serious adverse effects lies.
According to the most recent OECD definition (2021), TFA is considered as a PFAS, since it has a fully fluorinated methyl group. The substance is therefore included in the group of so called ultrashort PFAS (≤3 carbons). Concerning sources, phototransformation of the refrigerants HFC-134a, HFO-1234yf and likely other HFC/HCFC is, taken as a whole, probably the largest contributing process. However, TFA may also be formed at degradation of pharmaceuticals and pesticides (e.g. Fluazinam) having trifluoromethyl moieties. Thus there is a link between TFA and the concept of “PFAS pesticides”. Furthermore, combustion of F-polymers and the use of TFA as reagent in different organic syntheses alongside direct industrial releases are all possible sources.
TFA is not defined as bioaccumulative as such, but can still concentrate in plants, especially above ground and consequently affect vegetable foods. In the article, accumulation factors up to 13000 are cited together with a concentration range (averages) between 25-1100 µg/kg DM with occasionally higher values recorded. Studies of drinking water since 2010 show a mean concentration of ~600 ng/l with some individual samples exceeding the Dutch guideline value of 2200 ng/l.
Eurofins has in 2023-24 published two reports on ultrashort PFAS (incl TFA) and made analytical contributions to a new study by the Swedish Society of Nature Conservation (SSNC). The Eurofins drinking water report for 32 cities in Sweden and Norway showed a TFA range between 70-720 ng/l and a mean of 280 ng/l. The SSNC study, covering 63 drinking waters gave a similar picture with levels up to 870 ng/l. In Eurofins’ work together with Örebro University (SE), it was found that TFA in orange juice on average had a concentration of 34 000 ng/l, when detected, most likely a result of accumulation in the fruits. TFA was observed in 12 out of 14 conventional products and in one of seven organic.
Eurofins can offer a wide range of PFAS analysis in different matrices. Also ultrashort PFAS, including TFA, can be determined. Search our online catalogue or contact us for more information. Regarding our own studies on ultrashort PFAS incl our white paper on juice, see our publication page.
EST review (in press; open access)
SSNC report
Eurofins publications
Eurofins search engine
The Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (SSNC) has made a study of PFAS in tap water from 63 users in addition to surface water from 19 lakes/streams and a single rainwater sample. PFAS4 and 21 (drinking water directive PFAS20 + 6:2 FTS) and five ultrashort PFAS incl TFA (trifluoroacetic acid) were determined. All analyses were performed by Eurofins.
The group of PFAS compounds could be identified in nearly all samples. Of the 63 tap samples investigated, 31 were from municipal water while remaining were from private wells or associations. Regarding the upcoming limit value for PFAS4 (4 ng/l), three municipal waters (Gävle, Halmstad, Västerås) and three well waters exceeded the limit. The highest value was seen for Västerås, 22 ng/l. No sample was above the limit value for PFAS21 of 100 ng/l. TFA concentrations (ND-870 ng/l) were generally much higher than other substances and could be identified in all but five samples (that had no PFAS present at all). There are no limit values for TFA in Sweden but all waters were below the Dutch value of 2200 ng/l. Overall the results of the SSNC work mirror the Eurofins report from last year (2023) on Swedish and Norwegian drinking waters concerning PFAS levels incl TFA. It is interesting to note that this new study also displays high TFA values in the South-East of the country as in our earlier study and that water from the lake Mälaren has around 400-450 ng/l.
Surface waters were divided into samples taken in the vicinity of firefighting training sites, landfills and industry alongside sites with diffuse pollution. As could be expected, PFAS4 concentrations near training sites were high with one exception (1-280 ng/l), but also other locations showed slightly elevated levels in some cases (ND-19 ng/l). The highest level of PFAS was found in Märstaån (1050 ng/l), downstream Arlanda airport. At the sites with diffuse pollution, PFAS4 could be detected in only one (Rindö, Vaxholm). However, TFA was present in all surface waters with levels comparable to the range for drinking waters. The highest TFA observation in the data set (1000 ng/l) was found for a stream in Väröbacka (Varberg). The rainwater from Stockholm contained 0.3 ng/l PFAS4 and 370 ng/l TFA.
Eurofins can offer a wide range of PFAS analysis in water. Up to 60+ PFAS can be analysed with LOQ down to 0.02 ng/l for natural waters. Also ultrashort PFAS, including TFA, can be determined. Search our online catalogue or contact us for more information. Regarding our own studies on ultrashort PFAS incl our white paper on juice, see our publication page.
SSNC report
TV4 news
Eurofins publications
Eurofins search engine
The presence of PFAS is ubiquitous in the environment and may come both from point sources and diffuse contamination. Soil is a matrix for which more knowledge has been warranted, not at least for areas without known point sources. These “background” levels are of importance for environmental monitoring and for establishing soil guideline values for contaminated land.
On behalf of the Swedish EPA, SGU (Swedish Geological Survey) has performed a background study of PFAS levels in forest soils, in an area in middle east Sweden without known point sources. In total, 21 soil pits (podzolic moraines) were sampled in five horizons O, E/A, B, BC and C (from surface to ~100 cm depth). In addition, 10 archived C horizon samples from southeast Sweden were analysed. All PFAS (35 substances) and TOC analyses were performed by Eurofins, with extra low quantification of PFOS.
The results showed the presence of PFAS in especially the organic layer (mor/humus; O) with detected levels in all samples. PFAS was also found in the E/A and B horizons very frequently (>86%) while no observations were made for BC and C. Twelve out of 35 PFAS were identified, all perfluorinated PFCA and PFSA C4-C13. PFOS was the most common substance detected (89% across O, E/A, B) followed by PFNA, PFBA and PFOA (33-57%). Median concentration for the sum of PFAS was the highest in O horizon (1.2 µg/kg DM; max 4.2) and decreased in the mineral soil (0.094-0.28 µg/kg DM). Regarding the relative distribution of PFAS there was a shift towards shorter PFAS in the deeper soil. For example, PFDA, PFUdA and PFTrDA were only found in the organic layer while PFBS and PFHxS only in the B horizon.
Regarding soil guidelines, it can be noted that both the 25 percentile and median values for PFAS4 in the O horizon exceed the proposed value for sensitive land use (KM; 0.25 µg/kg DM) in the SGI (Swe Geotech Inst) referral from 2022. SGU points out that investigations of “urban backgrounds” are required as well.
In Finland a similar study has been carried out by GTK (Geological Survey of Finland) in collaboration with SYKE (Finnish EPA). Also in this project, all PFAS analyses were performed by the Eurofins PFAS competence centre in Lidköping. The results were published in a report earlier this year. In total 37 PFAS were determined in 95 archived mineral soils from across the country, plus four new mineral samples (0-25 cm) alongside 5 humus (O) soils. The average concentration for the sum of PFAS in the mineral soils was 0.09 µg/kg DM i.e. comparable to the Swedish levels. PFOA (61%) was the most frequently detected PFAS followed by PFOS (31%). The O layer samples had a mean concentration of 1.2 µg/kg DM, also directly comparable to Swedish conditions. In addition, 48 urban soils (0-10 cm) from three cities were sampled. These soils showed considerably higher concentrations with an average of 10 µg/kg DM for PFAS37 and 7.7 µg/kg DM for PFAS4. Additional analysis of seven samples with high levels revealed detectable amounts of above all diSAmPAP, but also diPAPs in some cases. This was interpreted as potential contributions from construction soils made with sewage sludge.
Questions about PFAS can be answered by our analytical advisory service, which can be reached via the customer support, 010-490 8110 or e-mail:
A major part of the variance in the analytical chain comes from sampling and sample preparation. They are thus of great importance for achieving a correct and representative result. Although sampling is typically outside the laboratory’s “control” there is still a need for guidance not at least in relation to conditions for preparation and analysis. This may concern basic issues such as sample weight and containers. Likewise, sample preparation is a field where information is required to understand what is applicable and what is possible to perform.
Regarding PFAS in food, biota and feed, Eurofins receives numerous questions relating to these areas both from a food/feed and an environmental perspective. We have therefore chosen to produce an information sheet where our capacity for sample preparation for these matrices is outlined. This concerns e.g. mixing, filleting, peeling and composite samples. Moreover, some guidance on sampling with reference to published documents is given. Information on optimal and minimal sample weights together with containers is also included.
The information sheet can be downloaded here
Ultrashort PFAS with 1-3 carbon atoms have received growing attention in the last few years. Recent studies have shown wide distribution in the environment, with significant levels in especially drinking water but also ground- and surface water. TFA (trifluoroacetic acid) is the simplest perfluorinated carboxylic acid. In precipitation this compound has increased substantially since the 90s, due to the breakdown of "modern freons” (e.g. HFC-134a, HFO-1234yf) in the atmosphere. In addition, there are approximately 40 pesticides approved within the EU that can be broken down into TFA. TFMS (trifluoromethane sulphonic acid) is another common ultrashort PFAS, a sulphonic acid, which is used as a “super acid” in organic synthesis and as an additive in lithium ion battery (LIB) electrolytes.
Relatively little is known about these two substances in food, but a growing number of studies show that plants can take up and accumulate TFA. Eurofins Food & Feed AB, PFAS Competence centre has in collaboration with Örebro University (SE) determined TFA and TFMS in juices and drinks (n=37) together with fruit/vegetable puree (n=9) aimed for small children. The results showed high levels of TFA in orange juice and hand-squeezed oranges. Average TFA concentration was 34 000 ng/l (n=13) for samples with detected levels of TFA. The range was between <2 500 to 84 000 ng/l. TFA was also observed in apple juice, but at lower levels (mean 6 200 ng/l; n=9). Significant TFA levels (>25 000 ng/l) was also found in two of the nine purees analysed. TFMS was frequently detected in orange juice as well (mean 16 ng/l; n=20), but less in apple juice. Both conventional and organic products were analysed. Generally, the organic samples displayed lower or non-detectable TFA levels but there were two notable exceptions.
Concentrations of TFA were compared to drinking water guideline values from The Netherlands (NL; 2200 ng/l), Denmark (DK; 9000 ng/l) and Germany (DE; 60 000 ng/l). All samples with measurable TFA concentrations exceeded the NL value, frequently also the DK limit and one sample exceeded the higher DE limit. It was not within the scope of this study to perform any risk assessment but basic intake calculations for children (10kg) using current TDI estimates indicated that especially orange juice and some baby food purees could potentially yield a significant exposure.
This work gives, to our knowledge, the first overview of ultrashort PFAS, TFA and TFMS, in juice, juice-based drinks and fruit purees for children. The finding of TFMS in drinks of this kind is novel and the substance deserves to be assessed in the future alongside TFA. Results are published in our white paper.
Questions about this report can be answered by Torbjörn Synnerdahl, tel +46 70 31 53 141 or e-mail: For information on our range of PFAS analyses including ultrashort PFAS, please contact your sales representative.
In collaboration with the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (Swe-EPA; NV) and as part of the government assignment regarding PFAS, SGU (Geological Survey of Sweden) has carried out a first screening of PFAS in groundwater. This work has covered areas with no known pollution sources, i.e. that the occurrence of PFAS primarily originates from atmospheric deposition and diffuse spreading. Sampling in 2023 included 174 locations within the station network for national monitoring. A total of 46 different PFAS were analysed, which comprised Swedish Food Agency (SLV) PFAS21 for drinking water and PFAS24 according to SGU FS 2023:1. In addition, five ultrashort PFAS (e.g. trifluoroacetic acid, TFA) were included among those studied. All PFAS analyses were performed by Eurofins.
The overall detection rate of PFAS was 90%, but this percentage was mainly caused by TFA which was found in 153 samples. If this compound was excluded, the frequency was instead reduced to around 30%. Apart from TFA, PFOA, PFHxS, TFMS and PFOS could be detected above the reporting limit (LOQ) relatively often (>20 samples). The highest levels were also observed for TFA with a median level of 190 ng/l and a maximum level of 2700 ng/l. In general, TFA decreased from south to north, an observation that was also made in Eurofins drinking water study (see link). The second highest level was found for another ultrashort PFAS, TFMS (trifluoromethyl sulfonate; 76 ng/l). Among the longer "common" PFAS substances, concentrations up to 8.7 ng/l (PFBA) could be seen, while the median concentrations were typically <LOQ. The PFAS4 limit value for drinking water, 4 ng/l, was exceeded in two samples and the PFAS24 threshold value, 4.4 ng/l PFOA eqv, in three.
SGU summarizes that a diffuse spread of PFAS and then especially TFA occurs and affects groundwater bodies even if the number of exceedances of limit values was low. Further work is recommended to include additional sampling sites, repeated sampling at selected sites to see trends/variation, geographic and statistical analysis.
In addition to the screening report, SGU has also set down status classes for PFAS in groundwater. Classes have been calculated for PFAS24 (SGU FS 2023:1) and PFAS4 (LIVSFS 2022:12). The classes shall form a basis for assessment of chemical groundwater status within the water management. The class intervals are adapted, based on the national data base and have a similar statistical distribution for PFAS4 and 24. If an individual water still ends up in different classes for the two limit values, the highest class must be selected (i.e. "worst case"). It is assessed that total levels near or above class 5 for PFAS4 or 24 (“very high levels”) indicate influence from a local pollution source. It is also emphasized that the new groundwater directive is still under revision and that changes may take place when a final decision is made.
Class |
Status |
PFAS24 |
PFAS4 (ng/l) |
1 |
Very low level |
<0.3 |
<0.3 |
2 |
Low level |
0.3–1 |
0.3–1 |
3 |
Moderate level |
1–2 |
1–2 |
4 |
High level |
2–4.4 |
2–4 |
5 |
Very high level |
≥4.4 |
≥4 |
We have a wide range of analytical packages for PFAS in natural waters with low reporting limits. For example, there are both PFAS24 and 30 packages, where the latter covers all the substances included in both PFAS24 and PFAS21 according to SLV (LIVSFS 2022:12) and PFOSA (acc. to DK PFAS22). In addition to our packages with standard LOQ (most substances 0.3 ng/l, PFAS4 0.1 ng/l in some), we offer our "ultralow" packs where many PFAS have an LOQ of 0.02-0.03 ng/l. These packs reach an upper bound (incl LOQ) PFAS24 sum of 1.1 ng/l PFOA eqv (i.e. <30% of limit value). Eurofins can also determine ultrashort PFAS in water including TFA and TFMS. Read more at the links below or search in our online analysis catalogue.
Questions about PFAS can be answered by our analytical advisory service, which can be reached via the customer support, 010-490 8110 or e-mail:
SGU report (in Swe):
SGU status classes (in Swe):
Eurofins PFAS water packs:
Eurofins “ultralow” analysis:
Eurofins ultrashort PFAS study:
Eurofins analysis catalogue:
In recent years, ultrashort PFAS (1-3 carbon atoms) have attracted more and more attention, especially for drinking water but also ground and surface water. The concentrations of trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) in precipitation have increased since the 90s through the breakdown of "modern" freons (e.g. HFC-134a, HFO-1234yf), and in addition there are about 40 pesticides approved within the EU that can be broken down into TFA (see link). Guideline values for TFA in drinking water have already been enforced in the Netherlands (NL), Denmark (DK) and Germany (DE). Environmental quality standards (EQS) for surface water exist in Germany and have recently been introduced in Denmark. For groundwater, TFA has the status as a “non-relevant metabolite”, which is a group that should be monitored according to the proposal for a revised groundwater directive.
A new study (see link) has now been published by a group of European environmental organizations including the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation. In total 23 European surface waters and six groundwaters were investigated. The analysis comprised TFA in addition to three other ultrashort PFAS and PFAS20 (acc to EU drinking water directive (DWD)) in composite samples. TFA concentrations ranged from 370 to 3300 ng/l. The mean level in surface water was 1200 ng/l as compared to 1000 ng/l in groundwater samples. The highest value was seen for the River Elbe (DE; 3300 ng/l) followed by the River Seine (FR; 2900 ng/l). Among the other ultrashort PFAS, PFPrA was detected in composite samples, but at much lower concentrations (<2-11 ng/l; n=3). TFA made up 98-99% of all PFAS measured. The results are discussed in the context of the EU pesticide regulation, “PFAS total” in the DWD (limit 500 ng/l), the need of EQS in the water framework directive (WFD) and risk assessment of (ultra)short PFAS.
The raising levels of TFA in water and rain was also brought to attention in a recent article in the newspaper The Guardian. In the article, examples from all over the world were given, alongside descriptions of possible sources, toxicology and regulation (see link).
Last year (2023) Eurofins carried out its own study of drinking water (n=32) in Sweden and Norway (see link). Also in this case TFA was present everywhere, in concentrations between 70 ng/l (Trondheim) and 720 ng/l (Visby). In some cases the level of PFAS (incl TFA) exceeded the DWD “PFAS total”. The work was later extended to include samples from DK, DE, AU and FR. These new results showed a clear difference between surface-, infiltrated- and groundwaters as source with higher values for the former two. It can be noted that the TFA concentration in drinking water from Paris (2700 ng/l) was close to what was seen for the River Seine.
TFMS (trifluoromethane sulphonate) is another ultrashort PFAS that is commonly observed although it was not included in the European report. It is used as an additive in lithium ion battery (LIB) electrolytes and as a “super acid” in organic synthesis. In our study it was found in a half-dozen Swedish drinking waters in low concentrations (<1-1.5 ng/l). The highest level, as for TFA, was found in the Paris sample (28 ng/l).
Eurofins offers a pack (PLW98) with the five common ultrashort PFAS (TFA, TFMS, PFPrA, PFEtS and PFPrS) in water. Two 100ml PFAS bottles are required. Read more at the link below or use the search engine at our homepage.
Questions about PFAS can be answered by our analytical advisory service, which can be reached via customer support, 010-490 8110 or e-mail:
TFA report (at Swe Soc Nat Conserv)
The Guardian
Eurofins ultrashort study
Eurofins ultrashort analysis
Eurofins search engine
Regulation and actions to reduce the exposure of PFAS continue to be high on the agenda. This applies especially to drinking water but also monitoring of and introduction of guidelines/permits for “unclean” waters increase. For example, in the new EU compromise proposal (see link) from March (2024) for the Urban wastewater treatment directive (UWWTD) PFAS has been added as a major contaminant of concern that should be specifically measured. Although no specific limits are mentioned the text refers to the drinking water directive (DWD; (EU) 2020/2184) and its “sum of PFAS” (i.e. PFAS20) and “PFAS total”. In Denmark the ministry of the environment points out that the PFAS24 environmental quality standard (EQS) enforced in Dec 2023 will give the licensing authorities a bigger possibility to restrict releases from wastewater treatment plants and industries (see link). In France there is a regulation that requires that effluents discharged from industries incl potentially polluted rainwater should be monitored for 28 different PFAS (see link).
In response to the development and requirements for PFAS in wastewater, but also e.g. landfill leachates and process waters, we have now further improved our reporting limits (LOQ) for unclean waters. The lowering concerns about 25 compounds and the new LOQ is 0.3 ng/l (PFBS 0.6), reduced from 1 ng/l. All PFAS4 are included alongside common PFAS such as PFHxA, PFHpA, PFPeS, PFDA and 6:2 FTS. The improvement does not affect accreditation status, delivery time, sample amount or price. Some of the most common packages affected are listed below.
PFAS 11 (SLV) |
PFAS 21 (SLV; DWD20 + 6:2 FTS) |
WFD PRIO prel PFAS24 |
WFD PRIO prel PFAS24 + SLV21+ DK22 |
PFAS 28 |
PFAS 35 |
PFAS 49 incl. GenX |
PLW82 |
PFAS52 incl WFD/GWD prel PFAS24 |
Questions about PFAS can be answered by our analytical advisory service, which can be reached via customer support, 010-490 8110 or e-mail:
FR PFAS regulation
Ministry of the environment (Miljøministeriet) DK
The work on new limit values for drinking water in the US has been going on for a number of years. Last week (10 April) the US-EPA published the final National Primary Drinking Water Regulation (NPDWR) for PFAS. The regulation covers six PFAS: PFOA, PFOS, PFHxS, PFNA, GenX (HFPO-DA) and PFBS.
There are legally binding Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCL) for five of the six compounds and a Hazard Index (HI) for four (see table). The HI calculation is based on summation of the relative numbers obtained by division of the measured level by the health based water concentration for the substance. These health based concentrations are the same as the MCL for all but PFBS. The resulting sum should not exceed 1. In addition, there are Maximum Contaminant Level Goals (MCLG), a non-enforceable health-based goal, that are zero for PFOS and PFOA and the same as the MCL for the rest.
Overview NPDWR. MCL = maximum contaminant levels. ppt = parts per trillion » ng/l
Regarding implementation initial monitoring by public water suppliers should be completed by 2027. Thereafter the monitoring becomes compulsory and public information on the concentrations should be made available. In 2029 if the drinking water exceeds the MCLs action needs to be taken by the provider and the consumers notified. The cost for monitoring and treatment technologies has been estimated to 1.5 billion USD per year by the US-EPA.
If the new US-EPA limits are compared to EU regulation for drinking water it can be noted that the EFSA PFAS4 (PFOS, PFOA, PFHxS, PFNA) are covered. In Sweden and Denmark sum of PFAS4 limits of 4 and 2 ng/l have or will be implemented i.e. in the same low ng/l range as in the US (despite some differences in risk assessment). The Dutch guideline value of 4.4 ng/l PFOA equivalents is comparable too. GenX (or HFPO-DA) is a PFAS ether that has replaced PFOA in F-polymer production. In the US the compound has been the major contaminant in the Cape Fear river (N:th Carolina) case while in the EU it has above all been associated with emissions from the Chemour plant in Dordrecht (NL). The MCL for GenX (10 ppt) is lower than earlier estimates in both NL and US, but coincides with the Dutch guideline value for surface water from 2022 (RIVM).
Questions about PFAS can be answered by our analytical advisory service, which can be reached via customer support, 010-490 8110 or e-mail:
Over the last few months articles in traditional and social media have highlighted the presence of so called PFAS pesticides. This has concerned the number of such pesticides, their rapidly increased use in the EU and the fact that residues are found in fruits and vegetables.
In Nov 2023 a report was published by PAN (Pesticide action network Europe) assessing authorization and sales of PFAS pesticides stating that 37 active substances in use in the EU are defined as PFAS. This report was followed up in Feb 2024 by an investigation of the occurrence of PFAS pesticides in fruit and vegetables across the EU with data taken from national monitoring programs between 2011-21. This study showed that in 2021 pesticides classified as PFAS could be found in 20% of EU-grown fruit/berries and 12% of vegetables. However, MRL (max residue levels) values were not typically exceeded. Among the EU produce with 30% or more detects strawberries, peach, apricot and cucumber can be mentioned. Corresponding numbers for import to the EU were 18% (fruit) and 12% (vegetables). The ten most common pesticides identified are listed in the table below.
According to PAN the approval, use and residues found are all of concern in a number of ways. In terms of risk assessment it is claimed that PFAS properties of the pesticides and their metabolites are not fully addressed, and that the same applies to any cocktail effect and persistence of the molecules incl degradation products. From this reasoning it is also concluded that it can not be justified that pesticides are left out from the general PFAS restriction proposed by ECHA.
Table: The ten most frequently detected PFAS pesticides in fruit and vegetables according to PAN (2024) incl year for most recent risk assessment. Additional information from Wikipedia and PubChem
Typically the PFAS moiety (acc to OECD definition) of the molecules is a trifluoromethyl (-CF3) group (in one case -CF2-), attached to a C or O atom. Addition of such a group improves stability of the molecule (PAN, 2024) but in the case of C-CF3 the moiety can cause formation of trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) at degradation (UBA, 2021). Theoretical calculations by UBA (2021; German EPA) indicate that inputs at decomposition of pesticides can be a major TFA source and this includes most of the compounds in the table. In addition, especially Fluazinam can be of quantitative importance for TFA formation. The reasoning is supported by high levels in surface waters in agricultural areas (up to 7-10 µg/l; Freeling and Björnsdotter, 2023) in Germany often coinciding with pesticides or other metabolites. A Eurofins study on Norwegian and Swedish drinking waters revealed the presence of TFA in all samples investigated (n=32; 70-720 ng/l). Guideline values for TFA in drinking water already exist in Germany, Denmark and The Netherlands and the substance may be included in the “PFAS total” parameter in the drinking water directive (DWD).
In the US pesticides and PFAS have been associated in other ways. Recent discussions have focused on leaching of PFAS from containers, in particular PFCA (PFBA to PFUdA), made of fluorinated HDPE plastic. The presence of these compounds in a number of fluoro-treated containers has been confirmed by US-EPA. In parallel the presence of PFOS in some pesticide products have been brought to attention, but these findings have not been possible to confirm by US-EPA.
Eurofins offers a wide range of both PFAS and pesticides in food and environmental matrices. For example, there is a number of pesticide multi screening packs for various foodstuffs which include many of the substances mentioned above. PFAS can be determined in most matrices such as food and water. Ultrashort PFAS incl TFA are offered for water. Read more on our PFAS homepage.
Eurofins PFAS homepage
Freeling and Björnsdotter (2023; TFA review; free abstract)
PAN Europe (2023)
PAN Europe (2024)
UBA (2021)
The presence of PFAS in waste, including that from the construction sector, is an issue that is receiving more and more attention. This is not least through extended legislation in the area e.g. through inclusion of PFOA and PFHxS in the POP regulation ((EU) 2019/1021). In addition to the question of waste classification, PFAS content can also be of interest for the selection of treatment. For example, in the case of landfilling, leaching can affect outgoing water and thus the need for cleaning, which in the light of more extensive permits can be an important aspect.
Building materials and waste can be a source of PFAS and although various materials have been mentioned, overall knowledge has been limited. Recently, a Danish report on the subject was published by the Danish Environmental Protection Agency (see link). Four different building types were investigated, residential, public buildings, industrial activities and other (offices, warehouses etc) and the samples were divided into three time periods, before 1950, 1950-1977 and 1977-2000. The materials included paint on various surfaces, floor and wall coverings/tiles, joints, concrete and bricks. In the study a total of 350 samples were analyzed for 32 PFAS, of which 22 referred to the Danish scope for soil, groundwater and drinking water, and 10 were based on investigations and information available, archival samples and analytical possibilities.
PFAS were frequently found over the different time periods, materials and activities. For comparison, the Danish guideline values for soil regarding PFAS4 (10 µg/kg) and PFAS22 (400 µg/kg) were used. PFAS could be detected in 217 out of 350 samples and a total of 68 samples exceeded the lower PFAS4 limit. Paint generally contained the highest concentrations, but significant levels were also found in linoleum and vinyl flooring, carpets and parquet. Regarding the composition of PFAS, it varied, but commonly PFOS plus C5-C9 PFCA (PFPeA to PFNA) could be detected. However, the highest individual concentrations, up to 16 000 µg/kg, were obtained for 6:2 diPAP in some paint samples where the contribution from 8:2 diPAP was often large as well.
Eurofins offers analysis of PFAS in building materials and waste. One package consists of the Danish PFAS22, while our 33-pack is based on regulation (eg POP, SVHC) and our own investigations of building materials. In addition to these two, we also have a larger screening pack with 50 PFAS. In addition, we can offer TOP (total oxidizable precursors) for this matrix group. TOP can e.g. be of interest when assessing so-called "related substances" according to the POP regulation (link below). Please note that a sample preparation (crushing/grinding) usually needs to be added (SL004).
PLWB0: PFAS33 experience-based and regulation
PLWD5: PFAS50 Screening pack
Questions about PFAS can be answered by our analytical advisory service, which can be reached via customer support, 010-490 8110 or e-mail:
Exposure to and sources of PFAS continue to be an issue of concern. This applies not least to food including meat products. Elevated PFAS levels in animals can be the result of intake of contaminated water and feed. PFAS accumulates in the animals and the levels will in part depend on the animal species and age. The half-life, i.e. the excretion rate of PFAS also differs between different animals and PFAS substances (Fødevarestyrelsen, 2023). A notable case is Korsør in Denmark, where several people in a natural grazing association were exposed to meat with high PFOS concentrations (Fødevarestyrelsen, 2023; Slagelse municipality, 2023).
An assessment method for exposure to PFAS/PFOS in animals is the level in blood serum. The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration (Fødevarestyrelsen) has derived indicator values for PFOS for cattle (3.3 µg/kg) and sheep (6.7 µg/kg). If the content is below these values, the risk of exceeding the maximum limit for PFOS in meat in the EU Regulation (EU) 2023/915 is assumed to be low. The Swedish Food Agency (SLV) has also adopted these indicator values and refers to them in its wiki (SLV, 2023).
Eurofins has now developed a sampling kit for both live animals and after slaughter. The kit consists of two vacuum tubes (live animals) and two 50 ml plastic tubes (after slaughter) together with a sampling instruction. Sampling of live animals should be carried out by a veterinarian. Analysis with this kit refers to blood serum which forms the basis for assessment versus the indicator values. In the event that analysis on whole blood is preferred, contact us in advance as other test tubes are needed.
Kits can be ordered on our material and packaging page. Follow the link below and select "Food" or "Environment & Water" depending on customer affiliation (Eurofins Food & Feed or Environment). Also keep in mind that samples should be stored and transported refrigerated e.g. with ice packs in a cooler bag/box, and if necessary this can also be ordered. On the website there are also order forms to download in case our online system EOL is not used. Information about our drop-off points and other transport solutions (eg Same Day) is also available.
The pack primarily recommended is PFAS4 (incl. PFOS) with code PLW8F (Food & Feed) or PLWQH (Environment). Other larger packs for food/biota can also be used if an extended analysis is required, see our PFAS webpage (link below).
Eurofins Food & Feed
Eurofins Environment
Fødevarestyrelsen (2023)
SLV (2023) – control wiki (in Swedish)
Slagelse municipality (2023; in Danish)
Eurofins sampling vessels and packing
Eurofins drop points
Eurofins PFAS analytical packs
Eurofins sampling instructions (in Swedish)
A growing number of PFAS substances and matrices are subject to regulation. In 2023 the POP regulation ((EU) 2019/1021) was extended to include, besides PFOS, limit values for PFOA and PFHxS regarding products and waste. Moreover, PFOA and PFHxS "related" substances are covered and for PFOS “derivatives”, all with separate limits. These additions significantly widen the scope and there are associated lists with several hundred examples. Another development is the proposal for a general PFAS group restriction (ECHA) where both single as well as the sum of all individual PFAS are to be assessed. For the sum, the measurement may include an oxidative conversion of precursors. Besides the POP regulation it should be noted that already existing REACH legislation for C9-C14 PFCA (perfluorinated carboxylic acids) and the expected for PFHxA, both regulate “related” compounds too. Another restriction in progress is the ECHA ban of PFAS in fire fighting foam (AFFF). Modern foams are almost entirely based on larger molecules, frequently 6:2 fluorotelomer based, that can degrade to PFAS that are commonly measured i.e. the AFFF content can in those cases be looked upon as “related” substances.
Both “related” substances and “derivatives” are most of the time so-called precursors. Precursors can as final degradation products form PFCA and PFSA (perflourinated sulfonic acids) in natural systems. Since there are thousands of different PFAS substances, the precursors make up a very broad group of both known and unknown compounds. Among the more known, e.g. PFOSA, EtFOSE 6:2 and 8:2 FTS (fluorotelomer sulfonates) can be mentioned.
In addition, precursors can be oxidized chemically to the corresponding perflourinated substances, typically PFCAs, and this is what takes place during TOP analysis. TOP can be used to assess the “type” of many “related” substances, “derivatives” and precursors after evaluation of the results, and also yield quantitative data. In some cases TOP can be used more as a tool for qualitative indications e.g. for side-chain co-polymers. The results may motivate further studies och possibly more exact identification of precursors. TOP can also be used as a means of oxidative conversion for comparison to the sum of individual PFAS in the proposed general ECHA PFAS restriction. We strongly recommend that a "regular" PFAS analysis is performed at the same time as TOP both to facilitate a comparison before vs after and of quality reasons. In many cases there is also a need to evaluate individual PFAS with limit values (PFOS, PFOA etc).
Eurofins now introduces two packs for TOP in products and waste. One package corresponding to DK PFAS22 used for soil, building material, sludge, water etc and a larger screening pack. The reporting limit (LOQ) is between 5-10 μg/kg with the lower value seen for the majority of compounds. The required sample weight is 10g or more. The delivery time (TAT) is 10 working days. Please note that sample preparation (milling, crushing) is not included and might have to be added (SL004), and in such cases more material is needed.
PLWB3: PFAS38 screening pack (TOP)
PLWB0: PFAS33 experience based and regulation
PLWD5: PFAS50 screening pack
Questions about PFAS can be answered by our analytical advisory service, which can be reached via the customer support, 010-490 8110 or e-mail:
POP regulation ((EU) 2019/1021)
ECHA (Restrictions Annex XVII)
ECHA (Proposed general PFAS restriction)
ECHA (firefighting foam restriction)
The proposed revision of the water (WFD) and groundwater directives (GWD; COM(2022) 540 final) was published in the autumn of 2022. For both directives 24 PFAS were suggested as (environmental) quality standards (EQS/QS) calculated on the basis of drinking water protection. The formal decision has not been taken on EU level yet, but in Sweden SGU (Swe Geol Survey) included PFAS24 in regulation SGU FS 2023:1 for groundwater in March 23. Recently, in December 23 the Danish EPA (Miljøstyrelsen, 2023) introduced PFAS24 for surface water.
The limit value (EQS/QS) is in all cases 4.4 ng/l PFOA equivalents. This weighted sum is estimated using RPF (relative potency factors) with numbers between 0.001 (PFBS) and 10 (PFNA) with PFOA =1. The highest factors are seen for long PFCA (C9-13) and PFSA (C>8). The system is based on liver toxicity but is assumed to be relevant for EFSA PFAS4 intake calculations too. A requirement in the monitoring of EQS values is that the LOQ (limit of quantification) should be at most 30% of the limit (2009/90/EC). Given this condition and RPF >1 for many PFAS, high demands are placed on analytical performance.
For a number of years we have offered a low LOQ method for PFOS (0.039 ng/l). This method has now been further developed and extended achieving LOQs in the range 0.02-0.1 ng/l for many PFAS with special focus on those with high RPF. The weigthed PFAS24 (upper bound) sums up to 1.1 ng/l PFOA equivalents i.e. <30% of the EQS/QS. The method is aimed for natural "clean" matrices (surface-, ground- and drinking water). Three packages are introduced, one for PFAS 24, one that combines PFAS24 and PFAS20 + 6:2FTS/PFOSA from the drinking water directive (DWD) plus SE21/DK22, and one that can be used for screening purposes (60+ PFAS). Delivery time (TAT) is 10 working days and preferred volume is 2x500 ml + 1x100 ml in Eurofins PFAS bottles for all analytical packages. A special kit with the three bottles required can be ordered free of charge. For unclean waters and natural waters with regular LOQ please see our other PFAS24/30 packs (link below). The packs below can be ordered from 22 Jan. Further information can be found in our search engine (see link)
PLWA1: WFD/GWD prel PFAS24 (COM(2022) 540 final) ultralow LOQ
PLWA0: WFD/GWD prel PFAS24 and DWD20, SE21, DK22 ultralow LOQ
PLW9Z: PFAS63 in water incl WFD/GWD prel PFAS24 ultralow LOQ
EU revision proposal (COM(2022) 540 final)
EU Directive (2009/90/EC)
SGU FS 2023:1
Miljøstyrelsen (2023)
Online analysis catalogue
PFAS24/30 (regular LOQ)
Questions about PFAS can be answered by our analytical advisory service, which can be reached via the customer support, 010-490 8110 or e-mail:
The two “classic” PFAS compounds, PFOS and PFOA, have for a long time been suspected to have carcinogenic properties. IARC (The International Agency for Research on Cancer) which is a part of WHO, has now made a new review of these chemicals.
Eurofins is now introducing two corresponding analytical packages for environmental solids such as soil, sediment and sludge. For sludge and sediment, we recommend additional drying and milling (SL797 or SL004). Moreover, we have now updated all packs with a weighted PFAS24 sum in PFOA equivalents. For waters the sum is lower bound (excl LOQ) while for solids both lower bound and middle bound (1/2LOQ) are reported.
New packages (solids):
PLW9U: WFD/GWD prel PFAS24 (SGU FS 2023:1) (soil/sediment/sludge)
PLW9V: WFD/GWD prel PFAS24 och DWD20, SE21, DK22 (soil/sediment/sludge)
Existing packages (water):
PLW8J: WFD/GWD prel PFAS24 (SGU FS 2023:1) (clean waters)
PLW8K: WFD/GWD prel PFAS24 (SGU FS 2023:1) (unclean waters)
PLW9D: WFD/GWD prel PFAS24 and DWD20, SE21, DK22 (clean waters)
PLW9E: WFD/GWD prel PFAS24 and DWD20, SE21, DK22 (unclean waters)
Delivery time (TAT) is 6-10 working days depending on matrix and pre-treatment. Preferred volume is 2x100 ml in Eurofins PFAS bottles and 100g (or more in case of drying) in our PFAS container.
For more information about PFAS and the new and revised packages, see our online analysis catalogue (
EU revision proposal (COM(2022) 540 final):
SGU FS 2023:1:
Contact Eurofins experts!
Questions about PFAS can be answered by our analytical advisory service, which can be reached via the customer support, 010-490 8110 or e-mail:
A fourth paper with co-authors from Eurofins (Patrick van Hees and Patrik Karlsson) in collaboration with researchers at Luleå University of Technology (LTU) has now been published. As before, focal point is cleanup technology for PFAS and the research has been part of LTU's now completed TUFFO project "Validation of treatment techniques for PFAS contaminated materials". The title of the article is “Combination of separation and degradation methods after PFAS soil washing” and it is included in the journal Science of the Total Environment (link below).
In the study a three-stage process was employed to clean PFAS contaminated soil, soil washing followed by foam fractionation (FF) of the leachate and electrochemical oxidation (EO) (alt. adsorption) of the foam concentrate. The soils were dominated by PFOS (19-760 µg/kg DM) and it was shown that up to 95% of the content could be removed. Tests were performed in both lab and pilot scale (60kg). Initial experiments demonstrated that a high L/S (liquid to solid) ratio (40) and pH (11.5) were favourable. FF could separate 95-99% of the PFOS in the leachate, which then could be re-used for washing. EO or adsorption could subsequently remove up to 97% of the PFOS. Overall shorter PFAS posed a bigger challenge but still good cleaning results with respect to the original soil were found.
Eurofins would also like to congratulate the first author, Jean Noel Uwayezu, to a successful defense of his thesis on 31 Oct and wishes the best of luck with the new post-doc position at LTU. We look forward to continued collaboration. Questions about our PFAS work can be answered by Patrick van Hees (e-mail:
Eurofins has a longstanding collaboration with Örebro university and takes part in a number of projects on PFAS. A new article has now been accepted and is “in press”. The title is “Further insight into extractable (organo) fluorine mass balance analysis of tap water from Shanghai, China” and is published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology (link below). Enmiao Jiao from Tongji University, Shanghai is the first author of the paper while Patrick van Hees and Patrik Karlsson at Eurofins are co-authors.
The article deals with the mass balance of organic fluorine in 39 drinking waters from Shanghai. Several analytical methods were employed such as “regular target” PFAS incl ultrashort, TOP (total oxidizable precursors), EOF/EF (extractable (organic) fluorine) and suspect screening. As seen as in many other studies it was found that TFA (trifluoroacetic acid; 1400-8000 ng/l) was dominant among the individual PFAS comprising up to 97%. The detection of the inorganic PF6 and BF4 frequently used in lithium-ion battery (LIB) electrolytes in drinking water is novel as well as the finding that these ions will be included in EOF (or EF). Moreover, PF6 and BF4 could to a large extent “close the gap” of unknowns in the EOF/EF determinations. Also, TFMS (trifluoromethyl sulphonate; 50-280 ng/l) was detected in all samples and the suspect screening revealed the presence of NTf2 (bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide) and OBS (p-perfluorousnonenoxybenzenesulfonate). TFMS and NTf2 are both also utilized in LIB electrolytes as additives together with other applications.
A major part of the study was performed at Örebro University where Enmiao Jiao worked as a guest PhD student. Her work and stay in Sweden were financially supported by Eurofins. Questions about our PFAS analysis and development can be answered by Patrick van Hees (e-mail:
In recent years ultrashort PFAS have attracted more and more attention. This applies specially to drinking water for which reports from Germany, The Netherlands and Switzerland among other countries have demonstrated their ubiquitous presence. This is also the case for potential water sources, as seen for Danish groundwaters. Concentrations of, in particular, trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) in precipitation has increased substantially since the 90’s and moreover there are 45 active pesticide substances approved in the EU that may degrade to TFA (see report for references). Ultrashort PFAS are characterized as having one, two or three carbon atoms and besides TFA, four other compounds are commonly considered: perfluoro propionic acid (PFPrA), trifluoromethane sulhonic acid (TFMS; triflic acid), perfluoroethane sulphonic acid (PFEtS) and perfluoropropane sulphonic acid (PFPrS). Each can have different sources e.g. TFMS can be used as an additive in lithium ion battery electrolytes.
The knowledge of ultrashort PFAS in Scandinavian drinking waters is still limited. Eurofins has carried out a project where 32 samples from 31 cities in Sweden and Norway were investigated. In addition, a set of 30 other PFAS were determined. The results showed that TFA was present in all waters in the range 70-720 ng/l (280±160 ng/l; mean ± s.d.) with the lowest value recorded for Trondheim and the highest for Visby on the island of Gotland. TFMS was also found in a number of samples (up to 1.5 ng/l), while PFPrA and PFPrS were found on one occasion at Uppsala South, a site with a known PFAS contamination. In general, the lowest TFA levels were seen in W and N Norway and the highest along the S-E Swedish coast. Overall, concentrations decreased from south to north and rose from west to east. Regarding PFAS4 the Swedish limit of 4 ng/l was exceeded at four locations and the Danish value of 2 ng/l at ten. If TFA was to be included in the “PFAS total” parameter in the drinking water directive (DWD) the sum would pass the 500 ng/l limit at two sites (Visby and Karlskrona) with other sites in S-E Sweden just below.
The work was performed on drinking (tap) waters mainly taken directly at users. To further elucidate sources and trends, studies on raw waters, water bodies (ground, surface, infiltration etc) and water treatments as well as seasonal variations would be required. Taken as a whole the results show that ultrashort PFAS are relevant in a context of DWD and for TFA also the proposed revision of the groundwater directive as being a so called non-relevant metabolite (NrM). Moreover, the compounds need to be discussed as a part of a wider group of vPvM and PMT substances. The study is going to be presented at the Flouros 2023 conference 30 Aug – 1 Sep in Idstein (DE) together with two other Eurofins contributions.
Questions on the report can be answered by Patrick van Hees (e-mail:
The report can be downloaded here
Ultrashort PFAS analysis
General PFAS information
In a project that has been going on for almost a year, these two web-based portals with SGF (Swedish Geotechnical Society) as the host organization have been updated with new and extended information about PFAS. The portals intend to provide comprehensive summaries of the existing knowledge and thus contribute to the use of appropriate methodology in the investigation of contaminated areas. The PFAS section on the two, partially linked portals, has grown and now consists of nine areas that cover, among other things, structure, properties, investigations, remedial measures and analytical methods.
To the working group, led by Envifix and Ramböll, there has been a reference group that has reviewed and discussed the new content. In this reference group, Patrick van Hees at Eurofins has taken part together with representatives from SGI, SGU, SLU, Adminstrative county boards, Naturvårdsverket (Swe-EPA), Envytech and ECT2.
The updated websites provide a valuable "reference point" for information on PFAS and contaminated sites. In addition, there are many references to other documents with further descriptions. We hope that the pages will get many visitors!
Link to the portals (in Swedish):
Contact Eurofins experts!
Patrick van Hees can be contacted by e-mail:
General questions about PFAS can be answered by our analytical advisory service, which can be reached via the customer support, 010-490 8110 or e-mail:
In the proposal for the revised water (WFD) and groundwater directives (GWD; COM(2022) 540 final) there is a weighted sum of PFAS24 with a limit of 4.4 ng/l PFOA equivalents for both directives. Although the formal decision has not been taken, in Sweden SGU (Swe Geol Survey) has already chosen to introduce PFAS24 in the regulation SGU FS 2023:1 which includes threshold values for groundwater. The regulation entered into force on 1 March 23.
The majority of the 24 PFAS substances consist of perfluorinated carboxylates (PFCA; C4-C18) and sulfonates (PFSA; C4-C10). However, these are not exactly the same as in the drinking water directive (DWD) with its PFAS20 (or in SE SLV21) list. Other substances among PFAS24 consist of telomer alcohols (6:2 and 8:2 FTOH) and three PFAS ethers (PFECA), GenX, (A)DONA and C6O4. For C6O4 there has been no standard available due to patent rights. However, that situation has changed. We have now obtained the substance and can offer analysis also of this PFAS.
We have previously introduced two PFAS23 packages without C6O4. These packages are now expanded to include all of PFAS24 (without price adjustment) and are thus renamed. As before, there is a package for natural "clean" matrices (surface-, ground- and drinking water) and one for "unclean" (wastewater, process, leachate etc). As mentioned above, the lists for surface/ground and drinking water are not fully matched. Therefore, we are now introducing two new packages that combine PFAS24 and PFAS20/21 as well as PFOSA which is on the DK22 list for drinking and groundwater. Delivery time (TAT) is 10 working days and preferred volume is 2x100 ml in Eurofins PFAS bottles for all analytical packages.
PLW8J: WFD/GWD prel PFAS24 (SGU FS 2023:1) (natural waters)
PLW8K: WFD/GWD prel PFAS24 (SGU FS 2023:1) (unclean waters)
PLW9D: WFD/GWD prel PFAS24 and DWD20, SE21, DK22 (natural waters)
PLW9E: WFD/GWD prel PFAS24 and DWD20, SE21, DK22 (unclean waters)
For more information about PFAS and the new packages, see our online analysis catalog.
EU revision proposal (COM(2022) 540 final)
SGU FS 2023:1
Questions about PFAS can be answered by our analytical advisory service, which can be reached via the customer support, 010-490 8110 or e-mail:
Over the last 10 years PFAS contamination of water and soil have to a great extent been linked to the use of AFFF foams e.g. at fire drill sites. In parallel investigations of products and other environmental matrices have been performed. This also means that other PFAS chemicals come into focus, substances that are typically not found in firefighting foams. Polyfluoroalkyl phosphate esters (PAP) and especially the diesters (diPAP) is such a “family” of PFAS. The ester structure of PAP is formed when different telomer alcohols react (FTOH) react with phosphate. PAPs have been used in the pulp and paper industry e.g. in food contact materials (FCM) but also in personal care products, cosmetics, cleaning products, coatings and paints (Eriksson, 2016; KEMI Rapport 5/21). For example, in a study of cosmetics (KEMI PM 9/21) the sum of diPAPs comprised up to 0.2% of the total content. In addition, the C8 sulphonamide based di-ester, diSAmPAP, can frequently still be detected in e.g. FCM (KEMI Rapport 5/21).
Besides direct exposure to PAP compounds they can also be found in the environment. This e.g. applies to indoor dust where mono and diPAPs made up 39-94% of the total PFAS measured (tot PAP in SE dust 167 µg/kg; Eriksson 2016). Given the presence of the substances in consumer products, sewage sludge is a matrix that will reflect this usage. In the report by Yeung et al (2016) diPAP was found to be the major PFAS class (42-79%) in sludge from three Swedish WWTP (~120 µg/kg DM) with PFAS moieties ranging from 6:2 up to 16:2. High concentrations have also been found in sludge from other Nordic countries and occasionally low levels in effluent water (TemaNord 515, 2019). As a consequence, diPAP (6:2, 8:2, 10:2) was recommended in the current PFAS monitoring campaign by the Swedish sludge certification program REVAQ. DiPAPs are also occasionally found in biota e.g. fish, marine and terrestrial mammals in the Nordics (TemaNord 515, 2019). Another recent finding is the detection of diPAP (e.g. 8:2 and 10:2) in sediments outside a number of Swedish pulp and paper mills with concentrations summing up to 1100 µg/kg DM. In addition, diSAmPAP was found as well (max. 680 µg/kg DM; NV-06307-20, 2022). In March a study was published demonstrating the occurrence 6:2 diPAP in toilet paper from all over the world and that this was the case for both paper made from virgin and recycled fibers. It was calculated that toilet paper could correspond to 4-89% of the 6:2 diPAP found in sludge (Thompson et al, 2023)
Eurofins now offers a range of PAP compounds in environmental solids and products (e.g. paper, tissue, building material etc). For solids the reporting limit (LOQ) is 0.1 µg/kg DM and for products 1 µg/kg. The tests can be ordered in addition to already existing packs for soil/sediment/sludge, see codes in the table below. If they are to be analysed on their own a preparation test needs to be added, LW153 (env solids) and LW24X (products). For products and waste, the four compounds can also be found in the new package PLWB0. Frequently a pretreatment is required for products such as milling, shredding and/or crushing (SL004 or LX001; additional cost). For sludge, sediment etc the LOQs are based on a dry matter content of at least 60%. Drying can be ordered separately if preferred (SL797). Development work is taking place to extend the scope with 10:2 diPAP and diSAmPAP (for env solids). Please contact us in advance if you are planning bigger jobs, especially for products.
Compound |
Soil/sediment/sludge |
Products |
6:2 diPAP |
LW259 |
6:2/8:2 diPAP |
8:2 diPAP |
LW25A |
diSAmPAP |
Questions about PFAS can be answered by our analytical advisory service, which can be reached via customer support, 010-490 8110 or e-mail:
Eriksson, U. (thesis 2016)
Yeung et al (2016), SE-EPA report
TemaNord 515 (2019)
KEMI PM 9/21: PFASs in Cosmetics
KEMI Rapport 5/21
NV-06307-20 (2022; sediment)
Thompson et al (Env Sci Tech Lett, in press 2023; free abstract)
The national authorities of Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden have submitted a proposal to ECHA to restrict per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) under REACH, the European Union’s (EU) chemicals regulation. ECHA will publish the detailed proposal, one of the broadest in the EU’s history, on 7 February 2023.
Over the past three years, the five national authorities have investigated different PFASs, their uses and the risks they may pose to people and the environment. They held two public consultations to gather evidence on the use of these substances and examined all information received.
PFAS have been found in organic egg yolks. Especially children who eat a lot of organic eggs is the group at most risk. The substances are most likely transferred via fishmeal that is included in the feed for the hens. This is shown by a study from the DTU Food Institute, which was carried out in collaboration with the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration.
The substances are most likely transferred via fishmeal feed. The suspicion for the fishmeal arose because a very uniform concentration and composition of PFAS compounds was found in large herds using organic feed.
Limit values for PFAS levels in food have now been decided by the European Commission and apply to animal foods such as meat, fish, crustaceans and eggs (change (EU) 2022/2388, regulation (EC) no. 1881/2006). When the limit values come into force on 1 January 2023, food containing more PFAS than the limit value may not be sold. There is already a limit value for drinking water and the European Food Safety Authority (Efsa) assesses that many people in Europe are ingesting too much PFAS from water and various foods.
The companies are responsible for ensuring that the limit values are not exceeded in their food. Authorities that control food companies can decide that food should be removed from the market if it contains more PFAS than the limit value. In total, the regulation contains limits for four individual PFAS and the sum of these (PFAS4). The substances are the same as the Efsa 2020 calculated a tolerable weekly intake (TWI) for, and consist of PFOS, PFOA, PFHxS and PFNA.
Eurofins PFAS analyzis
We have a long experience in analyzing PFAS and introduced in 2020 and new method for PFAS in food with leading reporting limits (LOQ). In recent years, we have investigated occurrence in various foods, e.g. fish, shellfish and baby food. We also carried out the attention-grabbing study of crayfish for Testfakta, which showed that Swedish crayfish can exceed specified maximum levels. Our own analyzis have also shown that lake fish (salmon) and salmon from the Baltic Sea can show concentrations that mean they may not be used for baby food according to the new rules. A further aspect is that PFAS4 is only a part of all PFAS that can be determined, and the percentage can vary between 0-100%. For fish, PFAS often make up less than 50% and apart from PFAS4, bioaccumulating long PFAS (C10-C14) can be important. Also, levels of precursors such as PFOSA should not be overlooked in some samples.
Read more about the limit values for food and for water:
Food (EU regulation)
Press release (Swedish Food Agency)
Drinking water (new Swedish regulation)
If you need help and want to discuss how you can start the analysis of PFAS in your food and drinking water, contact
An article series on how PFAS levels affect agriculture can be found in Land lantbruk 2022-10-14, see link at the end of the article. This article is a brief summary.
Heavy PFAS contamination prevents farmers south of Halmstad from using water for crops and grazing animals. Some of the highest PFAS levels in Sweden have been measured in the area.
Since two growing seasons, the municipality advises farmers against using water from Trönningeån near the Kistinge industrial area. In Kistingebäcken, harmful PFAS chemicals were measured far above the guideline values already in 2015.
In follow-up samples in 2019 and 2020, levels of up to 20,000 nanograms per liter were shown in the groundwater and 3,300 nanograms per liter in the surface water. The guideline value for drinking water is 90 nanograms per liter. When the farmers were informed in 2020, they stopped pumping water from the river so as not to spread the chemicals on to grazing cattle or the approximately 100 hectares suitable for growing potatoes and specialty crops.
The question of responsibility for the emissions is being investigated
It has been investigated that, in addition to the municipality, 14 businesses have contributed to the spread of PFAS. However, it is still unclear how and if the farmers' water situation can be resolved. The municipal board has decided that the farmers themselves must bear the cost of diverting water pipes to a stream with fresh water and demand compensation when the liability investigation is completed in several years.
Farmers are advised not to irrigate, which endangers the cultivation of potatoes and white cabbage. Emissions from Kistinge industrial area continue.
According to the Environmental Code, it is those who caused the emissions who are responsible for cleaning up and compensating for the damage.
Lawyers at LRF, on the other hand, believe that it is wrong to let the farmers deal with the problem at their own expense while waiting for the results of the liability investigation, with reference to Chapter 10 of the Environmental Code. Something that has been presented to the municipality's land and development office.
For the time being, farmers are advised against using the water from Trönningeån for crops and animals. Analysis results of water samples have been sent to the Environmental Protection Agency in the autumn, which will make a new risk assessment, according to Tomas Sjöstedt.
Farmers are responsible for the safety of their products
Farmers are responsible for the safety of their products, while there is currently a lack of sufficient knowledge about when problematic levels of PFAS in food occur. In a new government assignment, the Swedish authorities will sort out the dilemma. After studies on both laboratory animals and humans, the TWI (tolerable weekly intake) limit has been lowered for what can be considered safe exposure levels.
After prodding at the government office in the spring of 2021, the Environmental Protection Agency, together with the Swedish Agency for Agriculture and the Swedish Food Agency, has been tasked with increasing knowledge about PFAS in food in 2022–2024.
Sampling to map hidden PFAS compounds
John Strand, limnologist (expert on inland water) and environmental advisor at the Household Association in Lilla Böslid believes that growing crops likely absorb PFAS because the bottom fauna does. So far, there is little research on this, so it is the precautionary principle that applies for now.
According to John Strand, increased sampling is needed to detect hidden PFAS contamination which is probably widespread in the agricultural landscape and for this funding is needed. The next challenge is the cleanup itself, he emphasizes.
The articles on PFAS in Land Agriculture (the article requires login as a subscriber)