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Eurofins Sverige >> Herbs and spices >> Sampling instructions

Sampling instructions

Sampling instructionsIt is important to define the purpose of sampling and the analyses to be performed. Sampling needs to be as accurate as possible for control of desired analysis and represent the whole batch from where it is sampled. Analytical result can only reflect the sample amount received by the laboratory.  


Sample amount for laboratory

A general sample amount covering the need for analysis is 200g.

Higher amount may be needed if sampling should follow regulations like (EU) 2023/2782. If availability of sample material is limited, please contact lab for guidance.


• Avoid contamination during sampling: be aware of dust forming or static products, use clean and adequate sampling material.


Representative sampling:

• The sample taken shall reflect the composition and the size of the lot from which it is taken.
• For bigger lots of material, you may need to take out several subsamples.
• Subsamples should be taken at various places distributed throughout the lot.
• Subsamples are generally aggregated to one big sample and mixed thoroughly before a smaller part can be extracted and sent to the laboratory for analysis.


Clarification of subsample handling

For information on number of sub samples needed in relation to lot size /number or retail packages, information can be found in regulations or standards i e.

• (EU) 2023/2782 laying down the methods of sampling and analysis for the control of the levels of mycotoxins in food:

○ Part D dried spices with large particle size
○ Part M Dried herbs, herbal infusion (dried product, teas (dried product), and powdered spices.

• (EU) 2023/2783 laying down the methods of sampling and analysis for the control of the levels of plant toxins in food.

• (EC) 333/2007 laying down the methods of sampling and analysis for the official control of the levels of lead, cadmium, mercury, inorganic tin, 3-MCPD and benzo(a)pyrene in foodstuff.

• ISO 948:1980 Spices and condiments - Sampling


Sampling example

With (EC) No 333/2007 sampling instructions for trace elements and processing contaminants, as an example, following information can be used as a guide to get an understanding in the context of sampling.


Bulk material

For a lot/sublot of <50 tons the minimal incremental subsamples to be taken is 3.
Every subsample shall weigh at least 35 grams, and the aggregate sample should be at least 100 grams. The aggregate sample will be sample material intended for laboratory.


Packages or units

When the number of units in the lot is between 26-100, incremental samples should be taken to form the aggregate sample is app. 5% or at least 2 units from a lot. Collected units will be sample intended for laboratory.

Depending on the amount of food product to be examined the number of incremental samples may vary, please review appropriate legislation to adjust number of samples or amount of sample needed in your specific situation.



 Analysis with specific instructions


To avoid contamination from sampling material, samples are sent in retail packaging, glass jar or aluminum foil.

Mineral oil

Many plastic materials, tape, gloves, lotions, desinfectants or recycled cardboard may contain MOSH and POSH. Be careful which material to use during sampling. Sample container to use is original food package, sealed aluminium bags, metal-, glass containers or MOSH & POSH free plastics (e.g. PET, polyacrylate, polyacetate, polyamide)

Ethylene oxide

To avoid contamination from sampling material, samples are sent in retail packaging or use ethylene oxide free plastic container.


Keep protected from light.


Keep protected from light.


Keep protected from light.

Sulphur dioxide

SO2 is volatile, take precautions during sampling or retail packaging.


Separate sample container needed.


Separate sample container needed.


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