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Eurofins Sverige >> Herbs and spices >> Why should I analyse spices and herbs?

Why analyse herbs and spices?

Varför ska jag analysera?

Importance of spices and herbs in various industries

Spices and herbs play a crucial role not only in the food industry but also in pharmacology and medicine. As valuable traded commodities, they are subject to a complex supply chain with specific growth conditions, often influenced by climate factors. The supply chain involves multiple parties, and any rapid changes in weather conditions can significantly impact the growth and distribution of these products. Cultural and geopolitical events further contribute to the dynamic nature of the supply chain for spices and herbs.

Challenges in ensuring quality and authenticity

The high value of many spices and herbs makes them susceptible to fraudulent activities. To combat this, various types of analyses are available to verify the authenticity and quality of these products. Beyond concerns about counterfeiting, it is essential to ensure the hygienic integrity of the products and their freedom from unwanted substances such as toxins or allergens. Rigorous control measures not only guarantee the documentation and declaration of the product but also contribute to brand protection.

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