PFAS update of the investigation and remediation portals
In a project that has been going on for almost a year, these two web-based portals with SGF (Swedish Geotechnical Society) as the host organization have been updated with new and extended information about PFAS. The portals intend to provide comprehensive summaries of the existing knowledge and thus contribute to the use of appropriate methodology in the investigation of contaminated areas. The PFAS section on the two, partially linked portals, has grown and now consists of nine areas that cover, among other things, structure, properties, investigations, remedial measures and analytical methods.
To the working group, led by Envifix and Ramböll, there has been a reference group that has reviewed and discussed the new content. In this reference group, Patrick van Hees at Eurofins has taken part together with representatives from SGI, SGU, SLU, Adminstrative county boards, Naturvårdsverket (Swe-EPA), Envytech and ECT2.
The updated websites provide a valuable "reference point" for information on PFAS and contaminated sites. In addition, there are many references to other documents with further descriptions. We hope that the pages will get many visitors!
Link to the portals (in Swedish):
Contact Eurofins experts!
Patrick van Hees can be contacted by e-mail:
General questions about PFAS can be answered by our analytical advisory service, which can be reached via the customer support, 010-490 8110 or e-mail: