Accreditation of TFA (trifluoroacetic acid) in water

TFA has received a lot of interest over the last year. Numerous reports have shown the presence of this compound in nearly all waters studied, applying to ground, surface and drinking water. Concentrations of TFA are mostly much higher than for other PFAS, typically ranging from around 100 up to a few 1000’s ng/l. During 2024 we have observed some of the more significant new studies including the two from PAN (Pesticide Action Network; see links) and from Sweden the report by the Swe. Soc. of Nature Conservation (SSNC) and the mapping of groundwaters by the Swe. Geol. Survey (SGU). Last month (Dec 24) a third PAN paper showed that TFA is present in mineral water as well with concentrations up to 3200 ng/l. In 2023 Eurofins produced a study on TFA in Swedish and Norwegian drinking waters. TFA in juice e.g. orange and apple has been highlighted in a Eurofins/Örebro University report showing a mean level of 34 000 ng/l when detected in orange juice. Moreover, TFA is a topic for intense research and some reviews summing up the current scientific state of knowledge have been published.
Accreditation of water
Eurofins has offered analysis of TFA and other ultrashort PFAS (≤3 carbons) in water for nearly two years. We have now accredited TFA and two other ultrashort compounds, perflouroethane and perfluoropropane sulphonic acids (PFEtS and PFPrS) in both clean (e.g. surface, ground and drinking water) and unclean (e.g. wastewater, leachate) waters. The accreditation does not affect reporting limits (LOQ), measurement uncertainty (MU), delivery time (TAT), sample volume etc. Two packs are offered PLW98 (5 compounds) and PLW9B (7 compounds).
Search our online catalogue or contact us for more information. Our flyer on ultrashort PFAS can be downloaded on our PFAS page. Regarding our own studies on ultrashort PFAS incl our white paper on juice, see our PFAS publication page.
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PAN mineral water
Eurofins news (TFA accumulation)
Eurofins news (SSNC)
Eurofins news (TFA in juice)
Eurofins news (SGU groundwater)